Tag Based Rules are a set of actions that work with the tags and discount codes based on tags you create on Shopify. These rules can be used to restrict certain services and allow the customers to keep already purchased products.
To see examples of Tag Based Rules, scroll to the bottom of this article.
Shopify tags are a way to segregate products, customers, and orders. You can also use tags to perform bulk actions on items. To know more about Shopify tags, please see Shopify's guide on Creating and Using Tags.
With the help of Tag Based Rules you can choose to do the following actions:
Block Returns
Block Exchanges
Block Returns and Exchanges
Allow customers to keep items
Based on the types of tags available on Shopify, you can choose to apply actions on the following types of tags:
Order Tags
Customer Tags
Discount Codes
Product Tags - Real Time
Product Tags - Time Bound
There are two types of Product Tags designed to give you control over when a Tag Based Rule can apply:
Product Tags - Time Bound:
This product tag keeps a record of the product configuration when the order was placed. So, if you remove a tag from the product’s Shopify page, orders placed at the time the tag was active will still be affected by the rule.
Product Tags - Real Time
This product tag acts on the real-time configuration within Shopify. Whenever a service request is placed on a product, we will check if it has a tag attached to it. If that tag has a rule set up in Return Rabbit, we will apply that behavior.
Remove Tag in Shopify To Stop Rule
Make sure that you have removed a tag from Shopify if you want to stop it from applying the behavior you have set up with Tag Based Rules
Tag Based Rules can be found in the Configuration section of Return Rabbit, under Return Management.
When you click the Manage button you will be taken to the Tag Based Rules screen, where you can see the rules you have created, along with Tag Name, Tag Type, and Action.
Whenever a service request is being on a product or order with the specified discount code or by a specific customer, we will check if the tag exists on Shopify (or existed at the time of order creation: this only works for Product Tags - Time Bound). If the tag exists, we will display the action provided in the Tag Based Rule.
This screen is where you can add a rule on a Tag Name or Discount Code. You can also delete a tag from the table directly.
Creating a new Tag Based rule:
To create a new Tag Based rule, follow the instructions below:
Click on Add a new rule
You will be taken to the Add a New Rule screen.
Select the action that you want to apply on the tag.
Add the tag details.
Save your configuration and your new rule is ready to be used.
Best Practices:
Keep the tag names unique. This will help you to keep track of various tags and remove chances of error.
When you are no longer using a tag, in addition to removing it from Shopify, please remove the rules of that tag from Return Rabbit as well. This will allow you to reuse the same tag name later without any error.
Block Returns on specific discount codes:
If you are using Discount Codes (order discounts, product discounts, BxGy Discounts, etc.) from Shopify, you have the ability to block those from being returned. Just set up the rule with your discount code as the Tag Name and select the appropriate action.
Block Returns and/or Exchanges on specific products for a given time frame:
If you want to block services on a product for a set amount of time, add a tag on Shopify to that product. On RR, create a Tag-Based Rule while selecting Product Tags - Time Bound as the tag type. You can remove the tag from Shopify when you want the restriction to be lifted. Any orders created within the time frame the tag was active on Shopify will honor the Tag-Based Rule you had set up.
Allow Shopper to Keep Items:
With Green Returns, you can allow the shopper to keep the item they are returning or exchanging. You can create a rule on RR for any tag by selecting the Action “Allow shopper to Keep Item”. This will help you reduce the label costs on Return Items.