Shopper groups segregate shoppers into groups created based on your classification criteria, which can then be used for targeted incentives.
The Shopper classification is new Return Rabbit feature, that allows you to group your customers based on the criteria that you select. These conditions can be used to segregate customers into groups based on their purchase activity, their post-purchase activity and their location. These groups can then be used to provide targeted incentives to these groups.
Providing targeted incentives will help you reward your loyal customers and configure incentives for new customers so that they are more likely to ask for an exchange instead of a return.
To create a new Shopper Group, go to the Shopper Groups’ homepage by going to: Configure> Return Management> Shopper Groups.
Once there, you will see a table which will show any Shopper Groups already created. If you have no Shopper Groups created, the table will be blank.
To create a new Shopper Group, click on “Create new group”.
You will then be taken to the Shopper Group creation page.
You will need to provide the following information:
Group Name: This will be the name that your Shopper Group will be referred to throughout the portal. Please make sure that you give it a name that can be easily recognized and is unique enough to be distinguished.
Custom Message: Whenever a shopper from this group is selected on the shopper portal, we show a message to the shopper that will tell them why they were selected for this discount. This message is helpful in making the shoppers feel valued and thus help build the merchant-shopper relationship.
Criteria: Criteria refers to the actual values that will create the boundary for the Shopper Group. You can choose to activate any of the four types per Shopper Group. The Return Rabbit system will look for these conditions, and if any are met, the shopper will be placed in that group.
If a shopper can be placed in two groups, they will be placed in the one with higher priority. You can set the priority of a shopper group from the Shopper Group table.
Orders: The order value can be set for the total count of orders, or the total amount of the orders placed. These are the orders placed by the shopper on your Shopify store. You can also choose the timeframe the system looks at while selecting the order values.
Returns: The Return value can be set for the total count of returns, or the total amount of the return requests placed. You can also choose the timeframe the system looks at while selecting the order values. Please note that only the return line items will be counted when you choose this option.
Exchanges: The Exchange value can be set for the total count of exchanges, or the total amount of the exchange requests placed. You can also choose the timeframe the system looks at while selecting the order values. Please note that only the exchange line items will be counted when you choose this option.
Locations: You can also create this Shopper Group based on their location. For now, you can only select states. You can select multiple states to be in the group. If the shopper lives within that state they will be added to the group.
The incentives that you assign to this Shopper Group will be shown in the “Incentives Active for this Group” section.
Once you have created and activated a Shopper Group, it will be visible on the table.
If there is a shopper that can potentially be placed in two or more groups, then priorities come into play. Priorities can be configured so that if there is a clash for a shopper, the shopper gets added to the group with more priority, and will be given incentives active for that group.
You can set up your priorities by clicking the re-order priorities button on the table.
A pop-up will appear where you can drag and arrange the groups based on their priorities.
Active Groups Only
Priority can be configured for active groups only.
If you have activated an inactive group, it will be given the lowest priority until you change it.
Incentives are where Shopper Groups come into play. We currently have the following incentives for Shopper Groups:
Gift Card Incentives
To configure a Gift Card Incentive with shopper classifications, go to Configure > Return Management > Refund Methods > Gift Card.
In the gift card configuration section, you will see a section titled: Apply incentive to Shopper Groups
Once you turn this section on, you can select from your active Shopper Groups and provide the specific discount values for this group. This works exactly like the gift card incentive, only the value will change based on which group the shopper appears in.
If the shopper is not part of any group, they will be given your default incentive value, as configured in the “Apply this incentive” section of the gift card configuration.
You can add as many active groups as you want.
If a group that has been added to the incentive is de-activated, then the group is also removed from consideration when a shopper comes in to create a request.