In Return Rabbit you can add automation that applies rules and exceptions based on shipping events, authorizations and price ranges which require less manual intervention and provide a faster returns process.
Rules and Exceptions are completely up to you and how you want to run your business. They will apply on a Return or Exchange item when the customers are making a service request
Configure a list of automations and deductions in Return Rabbit.
Automation Rules help you streamline your returns by setting up a series of approvals that move the request forward without having to manually process each one.
Navigate to Configure > Return Management > Rules & Exceptions
To add a new rule, click on "Add new rule"
Give your rule a name.
Choose your entity, whether it applies on a return or an exchange item. You can choose both.
Choose a parameter. At this moment, we only provide for "Item value lies between". If you wish to add a new parameter, please contact us at
Choose what type of action this automation will provide:
Skip Admin Approval:You can skip admin approval on the basis of amount. Anything within the pre-specified range will be automatically approved at admin step. You can also do admin approval on the basis of shipping events. This is typically done if you're not using our warehouse interface.
Request Qualification: This will supersede other rules and not generate the customer's return label until an admin approves this request. This would mean that for a order service to be actually created, it needs to be approved by an admin. This is generally used when customers select return reasons like Defective item received - you can review the images submitted by customer & either approve or reject the request.
Receive items Qualification: This is enabled by default for merchants which don't need our warehouse interface or don't have an external 3PL integration. This will skip the Return Rabbit warehouse flow completely. As soon as a request is placed, the request will be pushed through to admin approval. See also Skipping Warehouse Approval below.
Receive items at Delivered event:Mark the products received as soon as a delivered scan event is received. This automation skips the warehouse executive having to manual mark the product received, and as soon as a product gets delivered, it is sent directly to the warehouse processing queue. See also Skipping Warehouse Approval below.
Received at First Scan Event:Mark the products received as soon as a In Transit scan event is received. This automation skips the warehouse executive having to manual mark the product received, and as soon as a product gets In Transit, it is sent directly to the warehouse processing queue. Also see Skipping Warehouse Approval below
Skipping Warehouse Approval: This action skips the entire warehouse processing, and based on how you mark your items received, they will be auto-sent to Awaiting Admin's Approval.
Save Time Skipping Warehouse Approval
If you are automating requests at any of the Receive stages, we suggest that you also automate the warehouse step as this will ensure that the request is directly pushed through to Admin approval.
Set the deduction and amount waive-off rules. These rules will impact shopper's total billed amount while placing exchange and return requests. Influence behavior by leveraging these additional fees.
Payment Waive Off (Exchange Incentive):
This amount is the maximum waive-off that you allow when a shopper is placing an exchange request. For example, let's say if you set $5 as Payment Waive Off value, then if shopper needs to pay an amount equal to or less than $5 across all the exchange items he has requested in his Service Request, then that amount will be waived off.
Processing Fee:
The amount that the merchant will charge for processing the return or exchange request. If the Service Request has both a return & an exchange, then the exchange value will be considered.
This fee can be configured to get deducted either for every new Service Request or only at final possible Service Request (against the order such that after this request, all items in the order will stand returned).