Return Rabbit has partnered with Shipping Aggregators to offer you more options for printing your return label. Use your preferred carrier and enjoy discounted rates both for shipping and return labels. Currently, we have connections with ShipStation and ShipEngine.
Ship with confidence knowing you’re getting savings of up to 84% off from top carriers like UPS, DHL Express, and USPS. Learn more about ShipStation.
🔥 ShipStation Benefits
Benefit from full refunds for unused labels with select carriers processed automatically by Return Rabbit
Utilize QR code label support via USPS
Rest easy with automated request cancellations after 25 days of inactivity
Leverage our preferred partnership with ShipStation to get cheaper than retail rates from many carriers that can also be applied to your forward shipments
Many more features and enhancements coming soon!
To generate ShipStation API keys:
Log into your ShipStation account and go to
Settings > Integrations > Integration Partners > Return Rabbit
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If you have never generated a token, click the Generate API key button.
If you need to regenerate a token, click the Regenerate API key button.
If you regenerate, be sure to paste your new API key into any platform that uses it.
Copy your API key and paste it into Return Rabbit.
You can follow the steps below to start offering shipping labels using ShipStation.
Visit the Return Rabbit Aggregator page.
Click on the ShipStation View Details button.
Paste in your ShipStation account API keys and click the Save Changes button.
You can get help by clicking on the ? icon or visit this section, where you will see steps to fetch or generate your API keys.
Select the carriers that you want to enable for your return shipping labels.
After saving your API keys, Return Rabbit will sync the carriers configured in your ShipStation account. You will see a list of carriers to select from.
Check the carriers you wish to use with Return Rabbit and then click Save. Don’t worry - you will always be able to change these later when needed.
Verify the ShipStation account details.
On the same page, you can scroll down and see the account name and the enabled carriers.
You can always edit the selected carriers by clicking on the Edit button.
You can re-sync your carriers if you add or remove carriers from your ShipStation account at any time, letting Return Rabbit show you the updated list of available carriers to offer labels from by clicking on the Re-Sync button.
If you have completed all the above steps successfully, you should now be able to offer shipping labels to your shoppers via ShipStation.
You can enable Prepaid Return Shipping Label as an option for your shoppers by enabling it from Shipment Methods Configuration in case it’s not already enabled.
You can also configure your shipping rates, waive-offs, and much more for your Shipping Method Configuration. You can read more about that in the Shipping Methods article.
ShipEngine is our platform of choice for world-class shipping and logistic needs.
🎉 Free ShipEngine usage for Return Rabbit clients who use ShipEngine carrier accounts. Please read below for more details. 🎉
If you don’t bring your own carrier accounts, and only use standard ShipEngine carriers that are offered with every ShipEngine account out of the box, then you will not be charged any usage fees or any subscription fees to use ShipEngine services.
However, if you do bring your own carrier accounts and configure them within your ShipEngine account, then you will be charged as per standard ShipEngine plans.
In case you don’t already have access to ShipEngine API keys, please first follow the steps below.
You can follow the steps below to start offering shipping labels using ShipEngine.
Visit the Return Rabbit Aggregator page.
Click on the ShipEngine View Details button.
Add your ShipEngine account API keys.
You can get help by clicking on the ? icon see the section below for steps to fetch or generate your API keys. Once you have your keys, add them to the form below and click Save Changes.
After saving your API keys, Return Rabbit will sync the carriers configured in your ShipEngine account. You will see a list of carriers to select from.
Select the carriers you want to enable for your return shipping labels, then click Save.
Don’t worry - you will always be able to change these later when needed.
Verify the ShipEngine Account details.
On the same page, you can scroll down and see the account name and the enabled carriers.
You can always edit the selected carriers by clicking Edit.
You can re-sync your carriers if you add or remove carriers from your ShipEngine account at any time, letting Return Rabbit show you the updated list of available carriers to offer labels by clicking the Re-Sync button.
To generate new or locate your existing ShipEngine API keys:
If you have completed all the above steps successfully, you should now be able to offer shipping labels to your customers via ShipEngine. You can enable Prepaid Return Shipping Label as an option for your customers by enabling it from Configure Shipping Methods in case it’s not already enabled. You can also configure your shipping rates, waive-offs, and much more for your Shipping Method Configuration. You can read more in our Shipping Methods article.