Frequently asked questions from our customers.
Can I send the shipping label to my customer again?
Yes, you can. To do that, go to the service request and click on related requests. In the shipping section, you will see the button to resend the shipping label. You can type in the e-mail address you want this to be sent to and you will get the shipping label again.
Resending return label (video)
How can I enable/disable exchanges?
Enable or disable exchanges individually using the toggle in the service section of Request Reasons.
If you want to disable exchanges altogether, ensure that all exchange toggles are set to disabled for all your Request Reasons.
Can I enable serviceability of international orders?
Yes, you can enable serviceability on international orders. For further details, please contact us at
Can I offer Gift Cards as a refund method to my customers?
Yes, you can. For more details, please visit the Refund Methods article.
This is because META does not allow custom amount refunds to be processed as refunds on Shopify. Review the following for more information:
META only allows equal exchanges and full refunds. If you try to use an upsell or down-sell for exchanges or a partial refund on the order, then Shopify prevents Return Rabbit from doing custom amount refunds. Return Rabbit locks the order for manual processing to avoid any irregular refunds, and you will see an error like the screenshot below.
The best way to process this is to cancel the request on Return Rabbit to remove it from locked requests. Then, process the return directly in Shopify by following these steps:
From your Shopify admin page, go to Orders. Find the order and click on it.
Click on Return Items.
Enter the number of items in the order that are being returned.
The label and tracking details will be on the ReturnRabbit portal so you can choose to update that data or mark it as No Return Shipping to create a return without any return shipping information.
Then, click Create a Return and the refund will be processed.
The refund amount cannot be manually adjusted, and the information is automatically shown on Shopify.
Return Rabbit can block META orders from being serviceable if necessary and remove the block when there is a solution.
May Delay Refund/Exchange
Your customers can still place their requests on your Return portal. This only affects the final processing for your team and may result in a slight delay in refund/exchange for your customer as it has to be done on Shopify directly.